I also made my boys some sweaters! I went to St. Vinnies and found some wool sweaters for adults, washed them a few times in the machine until they shrunk sufficiently, then embellished them. This one is angora and wool mix and is soooooo soft! I wet felted with some light blue roving into a square (bubble wrap, lay out roving in wufts, roll up very tightly, wrap up to secure, I use an oversized sock, then throw in the wash a few times, stretch it out, block it, let dry), cut out the dog pattern, then sewed it on with yarn using a very rudimentary stitch. I needle felted the eye and mouth onto the dog. I made him a doll to match. It has a turtle neck, which I was gonna cut off, my dh reminded me that our son loves James Bond and with the turtle neck it's Bondish.

This one was off white so I dyed it with food coloring. I was trying to make an outdoor scene. I'm not at all happy with the color and was going to overdye it brown, but dh loved it and begged me to keep it as is. I needle felted a dragon, tower, and sun on the back. Again, not super pleased with the way it came out, but...

The front of the original sweater was cabled, which I love, and I added some wood buttons.

I have a ton more FO, but this post already seems too big. More to come soon!
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