I also sewed a sleep sack out of soft, felted wool interlock. I did kind of a crappy job, but he's wearing it to bed and it was quick (under an hour with my mom's serger). It's super warm and I don't have to worry about him smothering himself in a blanket or leaking pee onto our bed. I purchased the fabric on sale so the entire project cost me under $10. I have the stuff to make another, just need to make the time now.
I was so impressed with the leg warmers, and so depressed that all of his woolies are shorties, that i decided to make leg warmers to attach to some of his shorties. I was originally going to just make them longies, but this will be quicker and he'll be able to wear them as shorties in the spring, providing they still fit, which they better ;-) I am turning one pair into longies, I was inspired, I'll post pics when they're done.
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