I embellished some of my 3 yr old's woolies with a woodland theme for my 7 month old. I wanted to knit a gnome on the other leg, but if I did, I wouldn't get holiday gifts done ;-) This was my first attempt at such a thing, I'm quite proud, though they're not perfect. Thankfully, they're big and should fit a while!!!
I was inspired by an alder tree in the fall (the tree I looked at had those exact colors in the same places). We have them all over town and I think they're just beautiful! I also took some design hints from a few people online. I find so much inspiration on MDC, Ravelry and my wool soaker group.
Technicalities: brown woolies, I crocheted a chain out of lt brown/tan wool, attached it as the trunk going up one leg and across the butt, chained some smaller branches and attached them around the hip and across the butt, then took some autumn colored wool and made two little loops for each leaf putting the darker colors on the outside and working my way in.